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- Faecke, Peter
- Falco
- Falk, Peter
- Falke, Gustav
- Fallada, Hans
- Fanning, Dakota
- Farah, Nuruddin
- Farrenc, Jeanne-Louise
- Fassbinder, Rainer Werner
- Fatalis, Bruder
- Faulkner, William
- Fauth, Jürgen
- Fechner, Gustav Theodor
- Federer, Heinrich
- Federman, Raymond
- Fehling, Klaus
- Fehr, Oded
- Feist, Raymond E.
- Feldbusch, Verona
- Felder, Franz Michael
- Feldman, Morton
- Fellini, Federico
- Fellner, Till
- Fendrich, Rainhard
- Ferch, Heino
- Fernandel
- Ferneyhough, Brian
- Ferrater, Gabriel
- Ferres, Veronica
- Feuchtwanger, Lion
- Feuerbach, Ludwig
- Feuerstein, Herbert
- Feuillade, Louis
- Feyder, Jacques
- Feyerabend, Paul Karl
- Fichte, Hubert
- Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
- Ficino, Marsilio
- Fielding, Helen
- Fielding, Joy
- Fiennes, Ralph
- Findig, Andreas
- Fine, Anne
- Fink, Wilhelm
- Fiorito, Joe
- Firth, Colin
- Fischer, Johann Georg
- Fischer, Katrin
- Fischer, Robert James
- Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich
- Fisher, Carrie
- Fitger, Arthur
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott
- Flaherty, Robert Joseph
- Flaischlen, Cäsar
- Flanagan, Richard
- Flaubert, Gustave
- Fleischhauer, Wolfram
- Fleißer, Marieluise
- Fleming, Paul
- Fleming, Renée
- Flick, Verena
- Florenskij, Pavel
- Flusser, Vilém
- Fo, Dario
- Fock, Gorch
- Foix, J. V.
- Folkerts, Ulrike
- Follett, Ken
- Fonda, Bridget
- Fonda, Jane
- Fonda, Peter
- Fontane, Theodor
- Ford, Ford Madox
- Ford, Glenn
- Ford, Harrison
- Forlani, Claire
- Forna, Aminatta
- Forster, E. M.
- Fortunato, Mario
- Fosnes Hansen, Erik
- Foster, Jodie
- Foucault, Michel
- Fouqué, Caroline de la Motte
- Fouqué, Friedrich de la Motte
- Fox, Michael J.
- Fox, Paula
- Frame, Janet
- France, Anatole
- Francis, Dick
- Franck, Julia
- Frank, Anne
- Frank, Leonhard
- Frank, Martin
- Franzen, Jonathan
- Franzobel
- Franzos, Karl Emil
- Frayn, Michael
- Frege, Gottlob Friedrich Ludwig
- Freiligrath, Ferdinand
- Freinet, Célestin
- Fremlin, Celia
- French, Nicci
- Frentzen, Heinz-Harald
- Freud, Sigmund
- Freytag, Gustav
- Friebel, Volker
- Friebel, Werner
- Fried, Alfred Hermann
- Fried, Erich
- Friedell, Egon
- Friedle, Gerry
- Friedmann, Herbert
- Friemel, Jürgen
- Fries, Jakob Friedrich
- Friker, Achim
- Frisch, Max
- Frischmuth, Barbara
- Frobenius, Nikolaj
- Fromm, Erich
- Fruttero, Carlo
- Fröbe, Gert
- Fröding, Gustaf
- Fuentes, Carlos
- Funes, Louis de
- Funke, Cornelia
- Furtado, Nelly
- Furtwängler, Wilhelm
- Fussenegger, Gertrud
- Fyfield, Frances
- Fühmann, Franz
- Fürmann, Benno
- Füssel, Dietmar
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