Home > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Christianity > Perspectives > Origins and Creation > Young Earth View > Geologic Column
The term geologic column is applied to a composite columnar section in which there is an attempt to superimpose rocks representing every period of time for the world as a whole. In this way it is thought that the column can be used somewhat like a calendar for dating rock formations. Time units used in the geologic column include eras, the major divisions such as Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic; periods, the first subdivisions of eras including Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, etc.; epochs, the subdivisions of periods such as Lower, Middle and Upper Cambrian, or Paleocene, Eocene and so on in the Tertiary period; and stages, divisions of the epochs used primarily by specialists. For each time division there is a unit of strata equivalent.
A site which argues that the complete geologic column does not exist and is pieced together by circular logic.
This site argues that popular theories of geology and the formation of the geologic column may in fact have significant flaws that might be better explained by a relatively sudden global catastrophe or closely spaced series of very large catastrophes.
John Woodmorappe examines the credibility of the concept of a geologic column and claims that it does not exist to any substantive extent.
A site which claims the geological column has been misinterpreted due to a failure of the scientific community to recognize the occurrence of the global flood, and there is evidence these formations are relatively young.
Home > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Christianity > Perspectives > Origins and Creation > Young Earth View > Geologic Column
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