Home > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Christianity > Perspectives > Origins and Creation > Old Earth Views > Theistic Evolution
Advocates of theistic evolution, or evolutionary creation as it is sometimes called, believe that God used an evolutionary process to create forms of life and to bring them to their present stage of development. Some who hold to this view would propose that God intervened in the process at some crucial points, usually (1) the creation of matter at the beginning (the big bang?), (2) the creation of the simplest life form, and (3) the creation of man. But with the possible exception of these points of intervention, theistic evolutionists hold that evolution proceeded in the ways now discovered by natural scientists, and that it was the process that God used in allowing all the other forms of life on earth to develop.
Links to 4 articles discussing whether evolution is to be preferred to creationism from the theological standpoint.
http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/1986/JASA3-86Murphy.html#A Theological Argument For Evolution
After a brief look at theological responses to biological evolution, some fundamental themes of Christian theology are reviewed. On this basis it is argued that evolution is to be preferred to creationism from the theological standpoint.
A paper expressing the view that God designed and created the universe using initial theistic action, and "keeps it going" through sustaining theistic action.
Dr. Loren Haarsma suggests that the element of chance in microevolution, macroevolution, or any other scientific theory is in no way antithetical to the traditional theology of God's providential control.
A series of 20 articles on evolution, written by Dr. Dennis Venema, intended as a basic introduction to the science of evolution for non-specialists.
An essay attempting to convince evangelical Christians that evolution is a well-established explanation for the origin of species.
This article shows that evolutionary creation, or theistic evolution, fully embraces the foundational beliefs of the conservative Christian faith and the basic principles of the modern evolutionary sciences.
Evolutionary creation is a Christian view of origins that offers a unified vision of science.
An article by Dr. Denis Lamoureux showing that evolutionary creation offers a healthy and balanced complementary relationship between modern science and Christian faith.
Keith B. Miller defends his position that there is no inherent conflict between evolutionary theory and a Christian faith.
A Catholic scientist and Deacon who has published extensively in the Physics literature presents reflections on his life as a scientist and as a firmly believing, scripture oriented, Christian.
This article makes the case for theistic evolution and shows religion and evolution are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
A set of links to articles by Dr. Miller supporting theistic evolution and some articles critical of Intelligent Design.
Free study videos, recommended resources, and short articles that expand on topics covered in "Origins: A Reformed Look at Creation, Design, and Evolution" by Deborah and Loren Haarsma.
This web site attempts to provide an explanation of the middle ground between Creationism and Evolution, known as Theistic Evolution, as well as why it is a rational theory.
A collection of pages from the Counterbalance Foundation, with general overviews plus descriptions of the views of Arthur Peacocke and John Polkinghorne.
A summary of a conference paper by Robert John Russell.
A long list of links to sermons, articles and readings on evolution and Christianity.
An essay that is critical of the literal interpretation of Genesis and is supportive of evolution.
A site supporting theistic evolution and comparing it with atheism, creationism and intelligent design.
A discussion of the theological implications of Theistic Evolution with links to many pages on related topics.
A theological discussion of a theistic view of creation involving a long uninterrupted creative history.
A continuum of views about God and creation, ranging from a traditional theology of divine sovereignty over nature's operations to those which acknowledge in the creation a considerable degree of free process.
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