Home > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Christianity > Denominations > Seventh-day Adventist > Origins and Creation
David Plaisted presents evidence that life is young with emphasis on populations genetics. Includes a testable theory of creationism and a precise boundary between micro and macro evolution.
Multi-lingual site sponsored by Southwestern Adventist University includes technical scientific papers dealing with various aspects of origins as well as information in simple question-and-answer format.
Robert V. Gentry sees the polonium halos in granite as evidence for a young earth.
Addresses the apparent conflict between science and the biblical account of creation by examining the scientific evidence concerning origins. Includes scholarly articles and links to K-12 teacher resources.
Molecular geneticist uses scientific and biblical evidence to investigate origins. Topics include pseudogenes, ancient DNA, biological time clocks, Carbon 14, flood geology, solar system, world history chart, prophecy.
Develops a theology modeled on science and suggests corrections in current scientific thinking in areas such as origins of life. Extensive coverage of radiometric dating. HTML and PDF format.
Sean Pitman deals with the statistical problems of the theory of evolution from genetics to geology and offers an explanation of intelligent design theory as the most reasonable solution to the question of the origin of life on this planet.
Home > Society > Religion and Spirituality > Christianity > Denominations > Seventh-day Adventist > Origins and Creation
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