Home > Science > Biology > Flora and Fauna > Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Carnivora > Mephitidae
The skunks, formerly placed in the Family Mustelidae with weasels, otters, and badgers. The four genera in the Mephitidae are: Mephitis, including the striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis, and the hooded skunk M. macroura; Spilogale consisting of at least 3 species, S. putorius, the eastern spotted skunk, S. gracilis, the western spotted skunk, and S. pygmaea, the pygmy spotted skunk; Conepatus, containing C. leuconotus, the white-backed hog-nosed skunk, C. semistriatus, the striped hog-nosed skunk, C. chinga, the South American hog-nosed skunk, and C. humboldtii, the Patagonian hog-nosed skunk; and finally, the only non-American genus, Mydaus, the stink badgers, M. javanensis, the Sunda stink badger, and M. marchei, the Philippine stink badger.
Photograph, description, distribution in Texas and habits.
Images and descriptions of Mephitis, Conepatus and Spilogale species.
Detailed information about the biology and taxonomy of the skunk family, with a section on rabies in skunks.
Photograph, description, distribution in Texas and habits.
Photograph, description, distribution in Texas and habits.
Description, photograph, distribution and behavior.
There are nine species of American skunk. Sebastian Miller provides photographs and general information about the striped skunk.
Several photographs and much information of this species which has the best known defense system of any mammal.
Photographs and information from ARKive including classification, status, description, range, habitat, biology, threats and conservation.
Wikipedia provides information on the Mephitidae family.
Wikipedia provides a photograph and description of this North American mammal.
Photograph, description, distribution and habits in Texas.
Photographs, videos and classification information from ARKive.
Photograph, description, distribution in Texas and habits.
Home > Science > Biology > Flora and Fauna > Animalia > Chordata > Mammalia > Carnivora > Mephitidae
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