Home > Science > Agriculture > Aquaculture > Shellfish
Shellfish are invertebrate membes of the phylum Mollusca, with a soft body and usually a hard shell. They include oysters, mussels, clams, scallops, cuttlefish, squid and octopuses. This category is for sites concerned with the science and cultivation of shellfish.
Highly valued but slow-growing molluscs. Information on their habitat, general biology, the hatchery phase, the nursery phase, grow out systems, ocean-based systems, health status and aquaculture potential in Australia.
Information from the FAO on the culture of this species, its biology, habitat, the production cycle, production systems, diseases and their control, production statistics, markets and trade.
Factsheet from the FAO on the culture of this species, its biology, habitat, the production cycle, production systems, diseases and their control, production statistics, markets and trade.
Outlines the gross signs of disease, the pathogens likely to be present and their significance in the areas of Florida where this study took place.
Aquaculture techniques for the hatchery and field production of commercially important bivalve shellfish including spawning, phytoplankton, larval, and seed production. Descriptions of culture methods including solar hatchery and tidal-powered nurseries.
Information from the FAO on this species, its biology, habitat, the production cycle, production systems, diseases and their control, production statistics, markets and trade.
Information from the FAO on the culture of this species, its biology, habitat, the production cycle, production systems, diseases, production statistics, markets and trade.
An international organization of scientists, administrators and members of industry, sharing an interest in the biology, ecology, production, economics and management of shellfish species of commercial importance.
Information from the FAO on this shellfish, its biology, habitat, the production cycle, production systems, diseases and their control, production statistics, markets and trade.
Factsheet from the FAO on the culture of this species, its biology, habitat, the production cycle, production systems, diseases and their control, production statistics, markets and trade.
Information on how water temperature affects the physiology of hard clams, the signs of temperature stress and the development of appropriate management strategies.
Assistance from the Florida Extension Service in identifying the marine organisms that may share the clams’ bag and deciding on any necessary action.
Home > Science > Agriculture > Aquaculture > Shellfish
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