The websites in this category include health resources relevant to more than one locality within the county, or to the entire county. Submissions may include but are not limited to:
Addictions - including support and recovery groups and care programs.
Alternative Medicine - including acupuncture and Chinese medicine, massage therapy and bodywork, holistic care and wellness centers.
Chiropractic - including physicians and centers.
Clinics and Physicians - featuring all medical specialties.
Conditions and Diseases - including support groups/chapters, research organizations, personal pages, and related organizations.
Dentistry - including dentists, oral surgery and related associations.
Emergency Services - including fire departments, search and rescue and ambulance companies.
Fitness - including gyms, personal trainers, Pilates Method of Body Conditioning centers.
Hospitals - including health systems.
Mental Health - including behavioral specialists, Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSW), counseling centers, psychotherapists, and psychologists.
Optical - including opticians, optomologists, eye centers, and corrective eye surgery, such as Lasik and Laser.
Public Health and Safety - featuring such diverse topics as preventive medicine; health education and promotion; sanitation and hygiene; communicable-disease control; emergency medical services; assessment and monitoring and organization of health services and policies. Comparable terms for public health medicine include social medicine and community medicine.
For sites related to a more specific area, see the individual Localities categories. Before submitting a site to any category, be sure to read its category description. Includes hospital and physician directory, description of inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services, history, and admission and billing information.