Home > Regional > North America > United States > Georgia > Government > Executive > Governor Nathan Deal
The chief official in the executive branch is the Governor who is elected by the voters for a four-year term, with succession to one consecutive term allowed. The Governor has a number of powers in state government, including proposing new programs and laws for the state, proposing a state budget for the legislature to consider, vetoing legislation and appointing members of many of the boards in state government.
Wiki about the Georgia politician, from a libertarian, free-market perspective.
Videos and transcripts of appearances on C-SPAN.
2012-and-earlier archives of campaign funds raised and spent for state-level offices.
Offers biographical information, press releases, and official orders.
Lists of film and television appearances along with related videos.
Profile of the governor, from the National Governors Association.
Formatted profile of the Georgia politician.
Provides quotes and background on various international, domestic, economic and social issues. Includes profile, contact data, forum and voter match.
Truth-o-meter fact-checking of statements by the Georgia politician. A project of the Tampa Bay Times.
Provides a biography, campaign finances, executive actions, issue positions, interest group ratings, speeches and public statements.
Works by and about the subject with reviews, online copies, purchase and library availability for each. Includes related identities and associated subjects.
Home > Regional > North America > United States > Georgia > Government > Executive > Governor Nathan Deal
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