Home > Regional > North America > United States > Alaska > Government > Law Enforcement
This category contains sites with information on police, prosecuting attorneys, agents, corrections facilities, organizations and services relevant to carrying out the laws of the State of Alaska and of the U.S. Government within Alaska.
Alaska state map showing locations of correctional centers and links to those with web sites.
Commissioner, administrative services, institutions, community corrections, parole board, annual reports, statistics, sex offender registration, correctional officer recruitment, inmate profiles, telephone directory, and photographs.
Primary law enforcement agency for the state, consists of the Commissioner's Office, Alaska State Troopers, Fish and Wildlife Protections, State Fire Marshal, and Administrative Services Divisions. Map and information for contacting the Alaska Trooper posts throughout the state.
Low-custody offender training, counseling, life skills, and work programs. Food is grown for Department of Corrections institutions. Mission, visiting policy, site directions, history, farming, education, community work service, and staff.
Home > Regional > North America > United States > Alaska > Government > Law Enforcement
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