Home > Computers > Software > Data Compression
Data compression reduces the size of a file, or groups of files of data by eliminating unnecessary information, such as blanks and redundant data. The idea of reducing the size is to save money on transmitting or storing the data. The file or program which has been compressed must be "decompressed", i.e. brought back to normal before use.
Open source Windows utility for manipulating archives. Formats 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR are supported fully, other formats can be unpacked.
File archiving and compression utility developed by Thom Henderson and which was popular before zip became predominant in the nineties.
A set of benchmarks designed to show the state of the art in lossless data compression, by Jeff Gilchrist.
Offers file compression utilities using the ARJ format for 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows.
Does automatic archiving and backup of recently modified.
Lossless compression for photoquality images. Cross-platform. SDK. Free reader.
Free zip file utility for opening or creating ZIP archives. Supports password protection.
Free Zip and Unzip utility including Zip Wizard that has built-in e-mail and FTP functions allowing files be compressed and sent in a single step.
Free and simple to use Windows application that handles a variety of archive file formats, including .ace, .arc, .arj, .cab, .gz, .lha, .jar, .rar, .tar and of course .zip.
Tool that can help you make static HTML websites run 50% faster and save 50-80% of the bandwidth.
Free, portable compression and extraction utilities for archives compressed in .zip format. Discussion forum, source code, and binaries for several platforms.
Aims to show the maximum achievable lossless data compression ratio for several filetypes (text, executable, bmp). The best 150+ programs for every filetype are shown in a table indicating compression ratio and switches/options used to achieve that compression.
Free LZW file compressor mainly used for creating tar.Z archives, released as source code. For UNIX systems.
A command line port of the 7zip utility to Unix, Mac OS X and BeOS.
PKZIP is the original security and compression utility for Windows desktop, server, IBM OS and Linux. Offers 30 day free trial period.
Quantization, Compression, and Coding Library. C source code freely available.
A support site for RAR and WinRAR archivers.
Companion tool for WinRAR for preserving NTFS alternate streams.
Open source utility for Unix, similar in functionality to gzip or bzip2, but able to take advantage of long distance redundancies in files, which can sometimes produce better compression.
A compressor for video, animation and sound data includes video compression with twice the video quality and now uses the Bink audio codec for perceptually lossless 8 to 1 compression.
Offers Stuffit which creates and expands 25 different files including Stuffit, ZIP, SIT, RAR, MIME on Windows and Macintosh.
E-Space, compression software for online archiving and disk space management.
This URL takes you to a compression FAQ that explains compression to technical people as well as describing the various programs, and what they do to users.
Third-party video compression software components for programmers.
Windows and Mac data compression utility that supports zip, TAR, gzip, BinHex, and MIME. ARJ, LZH, and ARC formats. Includes ZipSend file delivery web service and ZipShare Facebook app.
Makers of Zip and Unzip data compression controls for Windows developers that use ActiveX, OCX, VBX and DLLs.
Compression for Lotus Notes, that automatically compresses attached files into ZIP files or self-extracting files. Features full integration with the Lotus Notes email client software.
A massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library.
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