Home > Computers > Data Formats > Markup Languages > HTML > Reference > Specifications
This category contains links to HTML & HTML related specifications. If it's a specification for something that can be used on a web page, it goes here. This includes such things as HTML, CSS, Web graphics file formats, scripting languages, object models, Java, Active X, etc.
Historical RFC1866 HTML 2.0 specification is discussed.
Historical W3C specification.
HTML specifications set by the W3C.
A detailed list of HTML tags.
International standard for HTML 4.0, which is a refinement of W3C's HTML 4.0 standard.
Covers markup language specifications for HTML 4.01, CSS2, XHTML 1.0, and XML 1.0.
Specifications for webpage URLs.
Home > Computers > Data Formats > Markup Languages > HTML > Reference > Specifications
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