Home > Business > Textiles and Nonwovens > Nonwovens > Needlepunch and Pressed Felts
This category lists companies dedicated to the utilization of the needlepunch and pressed felt technologies, or for which the production of needlepunch and pressed felt fabrics and end products is their main business. For a more specific listing, please scroll down and submit your site to the appropriate sub-category.
USA. Manufacturers of needlepunch, woven and pressed felts for industrial, commercial and craft applications, from wool and blends with man-made fibers. Also, fabrication and die cutting of felt and other non-metallic materials. Technical specifications.
Italy. Manufacturers of needlepunch felts for textile finishing. Also, silicone coated belts, felts for leather tanning processes, and synthetic fabrics for sludge dewatering. Part of Albany International. English and Italian.
USA. Pressed felts and needlepunch fabrics for filtration media, fashion and industrial end uses. Large site with , technical information pertaining to products and fibers.
USA. Pressed felts and needlepunch fabrics for a variety of industrial, home textile and leisure product end uses.
Germany. Diversified group of manufacturing companies, active in nonwovens, plastics, filtration and waste disposal. Needlepunch and pressed felts for industrial, clothing and decorative applications, from blends of natural and man-made fibers. English and German.
USA. Needlepunch and pressed felt fabrics for industrial and educational applications.
USA. Pressed felts and needlepunch fabrics for industrial and home utensils end uses, from natural and chemical fiber.
Turkey. Manufacturers of needlepunch and pressed felts in sheets, rolls and packages for bedding, furnishing and industrial applications, from regenerated polyester and polypropylene, and wool, cotton, jute and acrylic fibers. Also, suppliers of rugs, towels, mattresses, quilts and bed linens. Technical specifications. English, Turkish and Italian.
Italy. Manufacturers of needlepunch and pressed felts in rolls, sheets, discs, tubes and cut parts for decoration, clothing and technical applications, from wool and man-made fibers. English, Italian and German.
Spain. Diversified group of companies, active in nonwovens and card clothing. Needlepunch and pressed felts for decoration, automotive, footwear, cosmetic, medical, apparel and industrial applications, from wool and man-made fibers. English and Spanish.
Poland. Manufacturers of pressed felts and needlepunch fabrics for geotechnical, automotive, filtration, upholstery and industrial applications, from polyester and polypropylene. Also, polishing discs. Technical specifications. English and Polish.
Japan. Manufacturers of needlepunch and pressed felts for apparel, automotive and a range of industrial applications, from man-made and natural fibers. Detailed technical information and specifications. English and Japanese.
China. Manufacturers of nonwoven needlepunch and pressed felts in sheet and roll forms for industrial applications, from wool and man-made fibers. Also, finished felt products and tools. Detailed product catalogs. English and Chinese.
Belgium. Manufacturers of raw white and custom colored needlepunch and pressed felts in rolls, sheets, sleeves and finished parts for a variety of technical and industrial applications, from wool, and a range of virgin or recycled man-made fibers. Also, ceramic gaskets and foam products. Technical information and product specifications. English, Dutch and French.
The Netherlands. Versatile technical textiles manufacturing company. Needlepunch and pressed felt fabrics and finished products for industrial applications, from cotton, wool, polyester, polypropylene and a range of high-performance fibers. Also, coated and plain, woven and knitted fabrics. Custom die cutting, slitting and finishing services.
USA. Versatile nonwovens manufacturing company, utilizing needlepunch, chemical and thermal bonding, and wool felting technologies for a wide range of industrial, medical, automotive and consumer products. Also, a variety of chemical and mechanical finishing options.
India. Manufacturers of needlepunch fabrics and pressed felts for application in the automotive, insulation, footwear and mattress industries. Also, thermoweldable waddings for automotive trims.
India. Manufacturers of needlepunch and pressed felts in roll and sheet form for automotive, insulation, polishing, filtration, protection and consumer products applications, from wool. Technical specifications.
Germany. Needlepunch and pressed felts for textile, technical, filtration and pipe lining applications, from a variety of natural and man-made fibers. Custom development and manufacturing services.
Germany. Manufacturers of needlepunch and pressed felts and finished products for furniture, automotive, packaging and transportation, electronics and electrical, and mechanical engineering applications. Also, velour and plush fabrics, foam, rubber and additional non-metallic materials. English and German.
USA. Needlepunch and pressed felt fabrics for a variety of industrial end uses.
USA. Design and manufacture of precision nonwoven needlepunch and pressed felt products for polishing, fluid transfer and custom applications utilizing natural and synthetic fibers and resins. Major markets include glass, jewelry, writing instruments and optics.
USA. Manufacturers of needlepunch and pressed felts for filtration, industrial and decorative applications, from wool, viscose, acrylic, polyester, polypropylene, polyamide and high-performance fibers. Custom engineering services. Technical specifications.
USA. Manufacturers and converters of pressed and needlepunch felts, from wool and polyester. Die cutting and slitting services. Technical specifications. SAE specification chart. List of overstock and close-outs.
USA. Design, engineering and manufacture of wet pressed and needlepunch felt rollgoods, parts and sewn goods for a wide range of industrial applications, from rayon, polyester, polypropylene, wool and blends. Also, custom slitting, grinding, die cutting, laminating and finishing services.
Germany. Manufacturers of pressed felt and needlepunch fabrics and manufactured parts for garment accessories, hobby, packaging, decoration and technical applications, from wool, synthetic and high-performance fibers. Detailed product catalog, including technical information, specifications and color cards. Description of production technology. English and German.
Germany. Needlepunch and pressed felt fabrics and finished products for industrial, filtration and recreational uses, from polypropylene, glass, stainless steel and various high-performance fibers. Custom slitting and die cutting. English and German.
India. Manufacturers of needlepunch and pressed felts for a wide range of technical and industrial applications, from wool, viscose, acrylic, polyester and polypropylene. Also, felt products, endless clearer cloths, and woollen yarns.
Japan. Diversified company, active in nonwovens, plastic components and consumer products. Manufacturers of pressed and woven felts and needlepunch nonwoven fabrics for a wide range of technical and industrial applications, from wool and man-made fibers. Information on the history, properties and characteristics of felt. English and Japanese.
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