Home > Business > Arts and Entertainment > Models > Individual > C > Carangi, Gia
(1960-1986; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Gia Carangi was an infamous super model in the late 70's early 80's known for her dark, smoldering beauty and her blatant homosexuality and hard drug use. She is one of the first women documented to die from aids. Since the publishing of "Thing of Beauty: The Tragedy of SuperModel Gia" by Stephen Fried in the early 90's, Gia has risen to "cult" status.
Address, location, and images of Gia Carangi's final resting place.
Fan site with profile and image galleries.
Includes photos, videos and sound clips.
Image gallery and links.
Companion site for documentary filmed by J.J. Martin. film clips, and purchasing information.
Age restricted discussion group requiring membership.
Home > Business > Arts and Entertainment > Models > Individual > C > Carangi, Gia
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