Home > Arts > Visual Arts > Painting > Painters > Americana
Americana is a classification of artwork having to do with America, its people and their history. Americana art reflects artifacts unmistakably from the American culture. Examples could include baseball and apple pie. Folk Art would be included in this category, as would works similar to 20th century American painter Norman Rockwell.
Artist expresses his vision of African and African American life and cultures. Utilizes bold colors to proclaim the vitality of his subjects.
Paintings of country landscapes, florals, and cats are represented worldwide in galleries, museums, publications, and private collections.
Specializing in nostalgic American and San Francisco landscapes. Includes artist's statement, resume and portfolio.
Widow and model of the Cajun native and symbolist painter (died 2013) writes about his life and work. Many illustrations.
Home > Arts > Visual Arts > Painting > Painters > Americana
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