Home > Arts > Animation > Cartoons > Titles > E > Exosquad
Exosquad was an animated action/adventure television series produced by Universal Cartoon Studios which aired from September 1993 to September 1996. The show was based on Japanese "anime" styles similar to shows such as Robotech and Gundam. Complex plot and character-driven storylines were commonplace for this unique series. This category contains sites which offer informational and/or recreational content relating to Exosquad. For sites relating to the Exosquad toy line, please see Recreation: Collecting: Toys: Action Figures: Exo-Squad.
Co-producer Dennis Woodyard's Exosquad storyboard.
A fanfiction web portal based in the Exosquad universe.
Webring devoted to the television series.
Large database of resources relating to the television series and toy line.
Fanpage that includes fanfiction, images of the Exosquad toy line, and crossover templates for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game.
Mailing list and discussion portal.
Home > Arts > Animation > Cartoons > Titles > E > Exosquad
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